
Archive for the ‘Pakistaniyat’ Category

This is just one example of the “powers that be” mentioned in the previous post.

Mawlana Zafar Ali Khan, one of the leaders of the freedom movement in India went to visit Hz Mehr Ali Shah (RA). After failing to convince Hazrat about the Khilafat movement and unity with Mr Ghandi he suddenly changed stance and said: ” I have come to this court to beg for Muslim governance”. Hazrat replied: “I shall pray for it and you should join me too”. Then he prayed with deep concentration.

Later on during the period of his spiritual absorption (in the early 1930’s) Hazrat announced the news that a Muslim state would soon come into existence.

Mehr-e-Munir ( the biography of Hz Mehr Ali Shah)

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Today is the 14th August which is Pakistan’s independence day. Yes Pakistan came into existence on this day in1947. Much has happened in these sixty years but are we any closer to fulfilling the purpose for which Pakistan was created?

Incidentally the creation of Pakistan was also a “furqan”, a criterion between the Ulama of the outward and those of the inward i.e. the Awliya. Most of the ulama were against Pakistan and most of the awliya were for it. The implications are obvious.

Anyway here’s what Khadim-e-Mohabbat has to say about aazadi:

” Aazadi (independence)………… freedom from oneself and from the other is independence. One form of it is gaining freedom from one’s desires…..and jihad is obligatory till the achievement of freedom; and after attaining freedom it’s preservation is also necessary. Only those actions are salih (free from corruption) which are accomplished in a state of freedom; and it is in this sense that it is said that the takbir of the slave is not accepted by al-Haqq.

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